6th SLI
1892 Jan 12 .Born Kings Norton, Warwick
1901 census at 12 Eton Rd, Balsall Heath, Birmingham
1911 census with his parents at 64 Durham Road, Sparkhill, Birmingham (& on MIC)
1915 May 22. Landed in France
1916 Oct 31. Commissioned in Somerset LI
1918 May 6. Som. L.I. The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts.: L.. B. Taylor.
1918 Apr 6. MC gazetted T./2nd Lt. Laurence Bright Taylor, Som. .L.I. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in an attack. He showed great coolness in organising men into parties and advancing over open ground under machinegun and rifle fire. He afterwards made a reconnaissance in front of the captured position.
1920 Nov 1. Joined with service no ADRIC 946. Posted to M Coy. Section Leader
1920 Dec 28. Promoted Platoon Commander
1921 Feb 3, Wounded in Clonfin Ambush . Admitted to Stevens Hospital, and discharged 11 May 1921
1921 May 12 to Jun 6 on Medical Leave. And after that he appears to have been on medical leave until he left ADRIC
Hansard. Sir H. GREENWOOD : What is the use of bringing isolated cases of murder to this House, without any revelation of the gallantry of the men who are standing between this House and chaos in Ireland, and without any reference to the sacrifices of these men and their widows and children, who are now numbered in many hundreds. Let me give a case of Auxiliary Division men. At Longford a couple of military lorries of Auxiliary men, every one wearing decorations won in the War, were ambushed. A mine was exploded under the lorries, making a crater six feet by four. Four men were killed, six seriously wounded, three wounded, and five others unwounded. District - Inspector Craven, who had charge, was hit in the leg. He fell down but got up again. He refused to take cover, and walked up and down the road encouraging the others and controlling the fire until he was killed. Who was District-Inspector Craven? He was a Lieutenant-Commander in the War. He had charge of a mine-sweeper in the Irish Sea, and saved an American transport from being sunk by submarine, thereby saving the lives of 600 American soldiers. He has been murdered, by men paid by Irish-American money, in the defence not 640 only of the honour of this country, but in the defence of, I think, the civilisation of America also. District - Inspector Taylor remained fighting until he was shot through the chest and the stomach. Temporary Cadet Wase, when his ammunition was expended, remained by the wounded, bandaging them under fire. Cadet Richardson was shot through the leg, but he volunteered to go for reinforcements, and did so successfully. Temporary Cadet Maddox—I like Maddox, and have marked him for promotion—fired his Lewis gun and all his revolver ammunition except two rounds, and these last two he fired through the breech mechanism of the Lewis gun and put the same out of action. Although wounded the men continued fighting until all their ammunition was expended. This is the type of man who won the War for this country, and he is winning the war now in Ireland, and yet the right hon. Member for Paisley made this reference in a speech given to the Liberals at Cambridge on 7th January: "After an interlude of barbarism which recalls the worst achievements both of the ancient and the modern Hun." Who are these rivals of the ancient and modern Hun? They are the forces of the Crown in Ireland. There is no question about it.
1921 Sep 30. Discharged medically unfit due to his wounds at Clonfin
1921 Oct 1 pension paid for 12 months
1922 Marriage to DEAR, Edith G in Birmingham
1922 Jun 10. Arrives in Sydney, NSW as ex-RIC with his wife. They travel 1st class
1937 On Australian Electoral Roll as a Tyredealer
1942 Oct 9. Enlisted in Australian Army. Wife Edith
1943 On Australian Electoral Roll - Katoomba, Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia
1944 Torpedoed
1945 Dec 12. Discharged from Army as a Major. He was "9 AUST PW REC CAMP"
1964 Apr 9 Died in NSW, Australia