2nd Lt Leslie William McAlister, Leinster Reg


1899 Jan 12 Born Antrim.

1901 census at 17 Mill Street, Cushendall, Antrim

1911 census at Cushendall Mill Street, Cushendall, Antrim

1918 May 1. Commissioned 2nd Lt in Leinster Regt. Leslie William McAlister

1920 Nov 30 . Joined ADRIC with service no 1116. Posted to Depot Coy

1920 Dec 30. Permitted to resign.

1921 Dec 14 Gazetted out. Temp. Leinster Regt. 2nd Lts., and retain the rank of 2nd Lt. :— L. W. McAlister.

1921 Mar 14. Rejoined with service no 1815. Posted to A Coy. This is almost certainly the same man that was permitted to resign in Dec 1920

1921 Mar 25. "Dismissed the force"

1921 Apr 22. Leaves UK for Australia. He is a Clerk.

1936 On Electoral Register at Bamboo Creek, Pilbara, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia,. He is a prospector

1941 Dec 15. Enlists as an OR in Australian Army. Note he takes 5 years off his age

1944 May 26 Discharged from the Australian Army

1962 Electoral Register at Bamboo Creek, Pilbara, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia,. He is a prospector

1962 Died West Aus. Age 62. He had been on electoral roll as a prospector in Kalgoorlie since his arrival in Aus