Lt Eric/Evie Methuen Vivian James RN

1899 Nov 25. Born in Cardiff South Glamorgan. Registered as " Evie" not "Eric". His father Thomas James was an Engineer in Mercantile Marine, and died when his ship was torpedoed in 1918

1901 census at Roath St Margarets, Cardiff

1911 census at 12 Norfolk Road, Southampton

1918 Mar 1. Midshipman

1919 Jul 15 Promoted Sub-Lt

RN Service Record

1922 Jul 15 "Retired Lt" in Navy List

1921 Jan 17. Joins ADRIC with service no 1531. Posted to N Coy

191 Feb 4 Admitted King George V Hospital

1921 Mar 13. Posted to C Coy (probably more likely O Coy)

1921 Apr 2. Posted to Q Coy . Promoted Section Leader.

1922 Jan 14. Discharged on demobilisation of ADRIC

1922 Mar 28. Joined the British Gendarmerie section of the Palestine Police as a Sergeant

1925 Jul 4. Married at Brentford, Middlesex to Florence Clare Mary Miller

1934 Sep 21. Arrives in UK. 36 Bathgate Rd, Wimbledon. Arrives in UK from Port Said. Supt in Palestine Police. Travels 1st class with wife Clare, 32, and daughter Veronica, aged 5.

1941 Jan 1. Awarded Colonial Police Medal. Eric Methuen Vivian James, Deputy District Superintendent of Police, Palestine

1943 One of five out of eight district commanders had previously served in the Black and Tans. He was District Superintendent for Safad

1944 Nov 12 Leaves UK for Port Said. Supt of Police. UK address in Tiverton, Devon. Heading to Palestine.

1946 Jan 1. Kings Police Medal to Eric Methuen Vivian James, Superintendent of Police, Palestine

1951 Mar 22. Leaves UK for St Lucia. A policeman, UK address in Pettswood, Kent. Travels alone

1953 St Lucia Police history states the then Head of the Force, Lt. Col. E.M.V. James, departed on appointment as Commissioner of Police of the Leeward Islands.

1955 Jul 5. Appointed Officer of The Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem : Lieut-Colonel Eric Methuen Vivian James

1956 May 10. Local paper reports that he is on sick leave. He is Commissioner Leeward Islands Police

1956 Jan 1. OBE awarded, commissioner of Police, Leeward Islands.

1958 May 10. Moves to Uganda.

1964 Jan 14. Appointed Commander of The Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem : Lieut-Colonel Eric Methuen Vivian James, O.B.E

1982 Apr/Jun Died at Droxford, Hants