Seaman's Card 1920
1899 Dec 8. Born Paddington London
1901 census at 207, Portnall Road, Paddington
1911 census at 27 Blomfield St, Paddington
RNR Record OR
RNR Record Officer
1917 Nov 6. Commissioned Midshipman RNR
1919 Navy List he is serving on Kildonan Castle as a Midshipman. The Kildonan Castle was commissioned as a hospital ship on 6th October 1915, but in March 1916 she was decommissioned and converted to an Armed Merchant Cruiser joining the Glasgow based 10th Cruiser Squadron on 21st August 1916. December 1918 saw her relinquish her role as an AMC and she took up the task of repatriating troops. She took 1800 Yugoslavian refugees from Vladivostok to Gravosa in March 1920 and at last was refurbished and put on the mail run.
1920 May 1. Seaman's card to sail on Poona, 2nd Mate
1921 Mar 8. Joined ADRIC with service no 1801. Posted to C Coy
1921 Apr 2. Posted to Q Coy
1921 Aug 9 to 29 Aug. In Stevens Hospital
1921 Sep 1 to Sep 13. Medical Leave
1922 Jan 14. Discharged on demobilisation of ADRIC
1922 Mar 20. Joined the British Gendarmerie section of the Palestine Police as a Constable
1924 May 30 Arrives Canada to join Police
1930 Mar 12 married • Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada to Daisy Pearl Gibson (1909–1940)
1989 died • Toronto, Ontario, Canada