John Leonard Garvey Griffiths

A difficult man to track. There is doubt on his name. His ADRIC Roll entry is definitely " J L Griffiths" but the inquest gives him as "John Leonard Garvey Griffith". I cannot find any Griffiths with Garvey in Christian names. He transferred from being a Barrack Defence Sergeant, so his regiment is not on the record. The most likely man is 2nd Lt J L Griffiths of Welsh Regt, but I need Officers file to establish this.

1893 Aug 6. Born Glamorgan from RIC inscription.

1901 census at. 52, Pill Street, Llandough, Cardiff

1911 Oct 18 Leaves UK for Canada - but not on CEF

1915 Mar 10 John Leonard Griffiths commsissioned 2nd Lt

1916 I cannot prove if this is him or not, but the coincidence of Llandaff is compelling. Charles and Dorothy re-married in 1919 to boot.

1920 Jul 6. Enlisted in RIC, first as a Constable, then became a Barrack Defence Officer 71875 RIC number.

1920 Jul 29. A former Defence of Barracks officer, transferred to ADRIC. RIC no 72340, ADRIC no 148. Posted A Coy

1921 Feb 7 Transferred to C Coy

1921 Mar 31. Failed to answer a challenge from a sentry when returning to barracks, and was shot as a result

Inquest report. With statements from R M Taylor (2nd DI), T/Cadet A G Dix, T/Cadet W Gilmour,

1921 Death in Irish GRO for John L G Griffiths registered in Dublin in Apr/Jun 1921


WO 339/38356 2nd Lieutenant John Leonard GRIFFITHS. The Welsh Regiment.