Lt Percy Travers Goodwin MGC


He was not born in Sussex with name Percy Goodwin. He appears to have added the "Travers " when he joined the army. He enlisted in RIC as Percy Trevor Goodwin

1890 Aug 5 Born Sussex as he told RIC

I can get no clues as to who he really was

1915 Apr 17 Landed in France with Yorks Hussars

1917 Apr 26 Commissioned 2nd Lt. Machine Gun Corps. The undermentioned cadets to be temp. 2nd Lts.: " Percy Goodwin "

1921 Nov 4. Joined ARIC with service no 2161 and Posted to G Coy

1921 Nov 12. Admitted Stevens Hospital

1921 Nov 28 Discharged from Hospital. Then medical leave till 8 Dec 1921

1922 Jan discharged on demobilisation of ADRIC

1922 Mar 1. Joined British Gendarmerie section of Palestine Police . Rank of Head Constable .

1926 Apr 1. Lt. P. T. Goodwin, Res. of Off., is granted the local rank of Capt., while serving with the Trans-Jordan Fron. Force.

1926 Sep 15. Travels from UK to Port Said Capt in Palestine Gendarmerie

1929 granted local rank of Captain while serving in Trans-Jordan Frontier Force

1930 Jul 30 Arrives in UK from Port Said. A Civil Servant living in Trans-Jordania

1931 Jan 2. Lt. (local Capt.) P. T. Goodwin, Res. of Off., As granted the local rank of Maj., whilst empld. with the Trans-Jordan Fron. Force.

1932 Sep 29 Arrives in UK. A government official living in Trans-Jordania. "Major"

1932 Honors list - OBE. Lieutenant (local Major) Percy Travers Goodwin, Regular Army Reserve of Officers, Company Commander, Trans-Jordan Frontier Force.

1934 Jul 5. Arrives in UK A Civil Servant living in Transjordania

1939 Sep 3. A Squadron Commander in Trans-Jordan Frontier Force. Major.

1946 Jun 19. Local Forces. War Subs. Lt.-Col. P. T. GOODWIN, O.B.E. (46100) having attained the age limit of liability to recall, relinquishes his commn. and is granted the hon. rank of Col.

1947 Pensioned from Trans-Jordan Frontier Force

1947 - 1954 on staff list of Uganda Forest Dept "Brig P T Goodwin OBE" (timber grader)

1950 Aug 22. Arrives in UK from Mombassa with his wife Ann. A retired Army Officer. He is going to Eaton Hall, Eaton Rd, Hove

1951 Mar 17 Travels from UK to Mombassa with wife Ann. A government officer living in Uganda

1954 Jun 15 . Arrives in UK from Mombassa. He is retired and travels 1st class with his wife Ann. They have been resident in Uganda. UK address is Priory Drive, Ketleston, Seaview, I of W.

1958 Apr 11.Died aged 58 in Marylebone, London