1893 Born Bexley, Kent
1901 census at Conville, Parkhurst Road, Bexley
1914 Sep 12. The undermentioned Cadets and ex-Cadets of the Officers Training Corps to be temporary Second Lieutenants.Bertram Ronald Durlacher
1915 Jul 1. Landed Gallipoli
1915 Dec . Marries at Hammersmith to Catherine E McGrath (she died in 1918)
1916 Jan 28 MID Gazetted
1916 Aug 5. 1st Battalion Border Reg War Diary "CAPT. DURLACHER to course at 2nd ARMY SCHOOL."
1917 May 28. Bord. R. Temp. Capt. B. R. Durlacher, M.C., from a Serv. Bn., to be temp. Capt. (attd.). with seniority 11 Aug. 1915.
1919 Sep 23. Territorial Force. Infantry.Border R. l/5thBn.— Temp. Capt. B. R. Durlacher, M.C. (Bord. R. (Serv. Bns.) to be actg. Maj. while 2nd in comd. of the Bn.
1919 Nov 14. Bord. R. Temp. Capt. B. R. Durlacher, M.C., relinquishes his commission on completion of service, and retains the rank of Capt
1920 Aug 10. Joined ADRIC with service number 189. Posted H Coy in Tralee
1920 Oct 30. Platoon Commander
1921 Jan/Mar Marries in London to Eileen M Moore
1921 Mar 26. DI3 i/c temporary barracks at 12 Denny St, Tralee
1921 Apr 5. A report by the IO (RHW Ballantine) (see O'Rorke,Truce p230) says "DI Durlacher and party patrolled roads to Spa and Fenit. Amongst other obstacles encountered were 8 stone walls about 10 yards apart. These were removed. A Booby trap was set up in an appropriate trench and it is to be hoped that the enemy will reopen this particular one"
1921 May 18. 2nd in Command
1922 Jan 18 He was one of 6 representatives of ADRIC men to sign the Dispersal Terms
1922 Jan 19 Discharged on demobilisation of ADRIC
1922 Mar 3. Border R. Capt. Bertram Ronald Durlacher, M.C., late Serv. Bns., to be Capt., 5th June 1926, with seniority 3rd Mar. 1922.
1922 Mar 30. Joined British Gendarmerie section of Palestine Police as a Lieutenant.
1922 May 21. Resigned from British Gendarmerie
Was in the USC
1932 Jun 2. Arrives UK from Beira. He and his wife (Eileen Mary) travel 2nd class. They live in Uganda, and he is a Police Superintendent. Their UK address is Clanricarde House, Bayswater.
1935 Jul 5. Arrive in UK from Mombassa. He is traveling alone. "Police" living in Uganda
1945 Jan 27. Arrives UK from Port Said, travels 1st class with his wife Eileen M, he is a Superintendent of Police living in Uganda
1946 Arrives in UK from Mombassa. Travels 1st class, travels alone Police Superintendent
1948 Jun 22 . Border R. .
Capt. B. R. DURLACHER, M.C. (59990), having
exceeded the age limit of liability to recall, relinquishes
his commn.; and is granted
the hon. rank of Maj
1951 Feb 10. Leaves UK for Durban, South Africa with his wife. Given as Police
1964 Nov 8. Died Durban, South Africa . Coronary Thrombosis