1894 Nov 18. Born Richmond, Surrey
1901 census at 16, Bromley Road, Lee
1911 census at 11 Cambrian Road Richmond Surrey
1916 Sep 9. RNR. To be tempy. Asst. Payrs.— Seymour T. Carrier.
1919 May 16 Placed on the Retired List Paymaster Sub Lt S T Carrier who was invalided on account of ill health contracted in the service. To retain rank of Sub Lt
1919 Oct 8. Paymaster-Sub Lt leaves UK for Lagos. He is in Colonial Government Service
1921 Nov 8 Joined ADRIC with service no 2169. Posted D Coy
1922 Jan He appears to still be serving on demobilisation of ADRIC
1923 Oct 26 Left UK for Bombay "insurance official"
1939 Register. Living at 14 Northumberland Road , Rotherham C.B., Yorkshire. Wife Monica.. Pilot officer 939 Squadron
1939 Apr 15. RAF Balloon Branch. No. 939 (West Riding) Squadron. The undermentioned Pilot Officers are granted the war substantive rank of Flying Officer. Seymour Thomas CARRIER (90787).
1951 Jul/Sep Married in Bromley, Kent to Anielka Elter
1960 Mar 1. Leaves UK for Cape Town. "single", retired and lives in South Africa.
1960 Sep 1. Married in South Africa
1965 Sep 27 His wife died in South Africa
1969 Aug 6 Died in S Africa